
The Conference encompasses relevant topics on quality – the different subject areas are as follow:

 I. Institutional framework for quality management in official statistics
 Modernisation of the ESS quality framework
 Coordination and cooperation in the national statistical systems, legal aspects
 Quality and risk management
 Quality measurement, reporting and metadata
 Human resources in the changing statistical environment
 Innovation and quality culture in a statistical authority
 Balancing cost and quality
 II. Quality in official statistics and stakeholders
 Quality as a multi-dimensional decision: accuracy versus timeliness
 Increasing the relevance of official statistics
 Use of geospatial information to increase quality
 Communication with the scientific community – new methods and tools
 Engaging with users, providing services and promoting the value of official statistics
 Public relations of statistical authorities: building mutually beneficial relationships with the public
 Data visualisation
 Statistical education and literacy
 Measuring and communicating quality of official statistics
 Social media and official statistics
 III. Quality in statistical production 
 Quality as a priority area in the ESS Vision 2020
 Quality aspects of environmental statistics, demography statistics and migration statistics
 Quality in innovation and research and development statistics
 Quality of indicators for measuring global economy
 Quality in a multi-source statistical production
 Global/ESS standards and standardisation processes
 Imputation, estimation, reweighting and calibration as methods to improve quality
 Statistical disclosure control
 Micro-data exchange
 Flash estimates
 Data integration
 Deteriorating  response rates – issues and solutions
 Innovation in data collection and dissemination
 Quality aspects in experimental statistics and in “smart” statistics