I. Institutional framework for quality management in official statistics |
Modernisation of the ESS quality framework |
Coordination and cooperation in the national statistical systems, legal aspects |
Quality and risk management |
Quality measurement, reporting and metadata |
Human resources in the changing statistical environment |
Innovation and quality culture in a statistical authority |
Balancing cost and quality |
II. Quality in official statistics and stakeholders |
Quality as a multi-dimensional decision: accuracy versus timeliness |
Increasing the relevance of official statistics |
Use of geospatial information to increase quality |
Communication with the scientific community – new methods and tools |
Engaging with users, providing services and promoting the value of official statistics |
Public relations of statistical authorities: building mutually beneficial relationships with the public |
Data visualisation |
Statistical education and literacy |
Measuring and communicating quality of official statistics |
Social media and official statistics |
III. Quality in statistical production |
Quality as a priority area in the ESS Vision 2020 |
Quality aspects of environmental statistics, demography statistics and migration statistics |
Quality in innovation and research and development statistics |
Quality of indicators for measuring global economy |
Quality in a multi-source statistical production |
Global/ESS standards and standardisation processes |
Imputation, estimation, reweighting and calibration as methods to improve quality |
Statistical disclosure control |
Micro-data exchange |
Flash estimates |
Data integration |
Deteriorating response rates – issues and solutions |
Innovation in data collection and dissemination |
Quality aspects in experimental statistics and in “smart” statistics |