Declaration of Website Availability
Declaration of Website Availability
Statistical Office in Kraków undertakes to make its website available under the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The declaration of availability applies to the .
Date of publication of the website: 2017-08-31 Date of the last update: 2024-03-27Strona internetowa jest częściowo zgodna z ustawą z dnia 4 kwietnia 2019 r. o dostępności cyfrowej stron internetowych i aplikacji mobilnych podmiotów publicznych z powodu niezgodności lub wyłączeń wymienionych poniżej.
The website partially complies with the Act on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to non-compliance or exclusions listed below.
Contrast of some elements may be inadequate. Ornamental elements may be blocked for screen readers. Alternative texts for some pictures may be missing. No subtitles or audio description in the videos. PDF files on the website may not meet the requirements of digital accessibility. The Declaration was made on: 2023-07-06. The Declaration was made on the basis of a self-assessment of a public entity. Keyboard Shortcuts: You can use standard browser keyboard shortcuts on the website.Feedback and contact data:
Any website availability issues should be reported. All queries should be sent to Availability Coordinator at Any requests to make unavailable information available as well as any complaints regarding unavailability should be submitted to the e-mail address above.Procedure:
Each person has the right to make a request for digital access to the website, mobile application or any element thereof. It is also possible to request for making information available with the use of an alternative access method, e.g. for reading out a document that is digitally unavailable, describing the content of a video without audiodescription etc. In their request the requesting person should include their data, specify a website or a mobile application to which the request pertains, and to indicate the preferred contact method. If the requesting person requests for information provided with the use of an alternative access method, they should additionally specify the preferred method of providing information.
The public entity shall fulfill the request as soon as possible but not later than within 7 days as from the date of the request. Should meeting the said deadline prove impossible, the public entity shall, without delay, notify the requesting person when it will be possible to fulfill the request, the new deadline not exceeding 2 months as from the date of the request. Should it prove impossible to ensure digital availability, the public entity may propose an alternative information access method. If the entity refuses to fulfill the request for ensuring availability or an alternative information access method, the requesting person will have the right to make a complaint. Once the procedure specified above has been exhausted, the requesting person will also have the right to file a complaint with the Commissioner for Human Rights: Link: Commissioner for Human Rights