Session 6

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Title of session: Coordination of NSS, ESS and beyond

Chair: Mária Dologová

Room: S3A Barbakan

Time: 14:30 - 16:00

Date: 28 June

Session 6 - papers & presentations

Presenting AuthorAbstract
József Kárpáti
Title: <<< Results of intensive development actions in official statistics coordination - a status report from Hungary >>>
The paper/presentation will introduce how the Hungarian Central Statistical Office developed new actions and procedures in order to enhance its coordinative function. In the first chapter it presents the coordination tools introduced by the new national statistics act which entered into force on the 1st January, 2017. The next chapter introduces the National Statistics Code of Practice in detail. This is a new set of guidelines which were created to foster and uniform the performance of this public duty on a high quality level in Hungary. The present members of the Official Statistical Service committed themselves to the guidelines laid down in the Code, and also go under an audit procedure during 2018, where their compliance is examined. The third part introduces the methodology of these audits. The fourth part of the paper/presentation will summarize the experience and impressions gained during the already implemented audits of the organisations. The next chapter describes the results of the newly established National Statistics Coordination Board, primarily focusing on how the Board will be involved in the monitoring of development actions, related to the National Statistics Code of Practice audits. The final part of the paper/presentation would describe the further coordination initiatives of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office.
Vincenzo Lo Moro
Title: <<< Improving the quality of national statistical systems >>>
The success of a Modernization project in an NSI depends on the validity of the project as well as the quality of implementation. Usually the project is carried out within the same organization, the NSI. Problems arise when the scope is the Modernization of a National Statistical System. Aside from the coordination role of the NSI, each organization where there is a statistical service (Ministries, Regions, Municipalities) has its own logic, mechanisms and hierarchy. The Italian Statistical System (SISTAN) is both broad and incisive. To maintain an acceptable level of quality the instruments used are somewhat different than those used within ISTAT. The overriding characteristic of these instruments is that they are “soft tools”, not coercive, but inclusive and functional on a cultural level. In essence, results are achieved in cooperation, a “grey area”, not as the mandate of a single organization. ISTAT has taken a number of initiatives towards improving the SISTAN Statistical Offices performance. From 2014-2015 ISTAT underwent the Eurostat peer review. This was the backdrop to the program which was launched in 2016-2017. This program has three main initiatives: the improvement in statistical production by issuing Quality Guidelines tailored for the SISTAN producers, and subsequent statistical audit of the most relevant processes. The update of the list of the Other National Authorities (ONAs) based on common criteria, which should be coherently applied by Member States. An intensive high-level training (75 hours in 15 days) for central Statistical Offices staff based on the Italian Code of Practice for Statistical Quality. The paper presents these three initiatives and what has been learned from the experience (results obtained anddifficulties). It will conclude with a preview of upcoming programs.
Kim Voldby Pedersen
Title: <<< Official statistics in Denmark >>>
With Regulation 223/2009 on European statistics a legal requirement to coordinate European statistics is introduced. The heads of the National Statistical Institutes of the Member States are now responsible for producing national quality guidelines and for monitoring their implementation in order to ensure compliance with the European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP) in all nationally produced European statistics – including European statistics produced by the so-called Other National Authorities (ONAs). In parallel with the implementation of Regulation 223/2009 Statistics Denmark is working on the introduction of the concept of “official statistics”, covering not only European statistics but all statistics produced by public authorities in Denmark. In this regard the requirement of monitoring the ONA’s compliance with the CoP is also used in a broader national context as a lever to ensure official statistics of a commonly recognized quality standard – a national quality stamp for statistics. For the purpose of monitoring the ONA’s compliance with the CoP for European statistics, Statistics Denmark has developed a focused set of guidelines based on the CoP in order to make it practically applicable for authorities that do not have statistical production as their main task. The ONAs will annually submit a self-assessment to Statistics Denmark on the compliance. Together with a “mini peer-review” this forms the basis for a report to Eurostat and to the Danish Government on the compliance with the CoP. For the purpose of labeling not only European statistics but all statistics produced by public authorities as “official statistics”, the national producers of statistics are encouraged to ensure compliance with the principles of the guidelines. All public produced statistics that comply with the guidelines developed on the basis of the CoP will be labelled “official statistic”, ensuring a common standard for official statistics at European and national level.
Christina Pierrakou/Stamatios Theocharis
Title: <<< Coordination of National Statistical System – Experience from the Hellenic Statistical System (ELSS) >>>
In the recent revision of the European Statistical Code of Practice (CoP) a new Principle for “Coordination and Cooperation” is to be added, in line with the amended Regulation 223/2009. The new Principle consists another step towards the enhancement of cooperation in National Statistical Systems. The National Statistical Systems (NSSs) have not the same degree of centralization. Consequently, there is a challenge faced by most National Statistical Institutes (ΝSIs) about the amount of European Statistics produced by Other National Authorities (ONAs). Thus, it is essential for NSIs to have a strong position in the NSSs stipulated in the national statistical legislation and recognized by the ONAs. In this paper, the experience from the coordination role of ELSTAT in the Hellenic Statistical System, which has a certain degree of decentralization, is described. Furthermore, the ONA’s experience from the certification process of “official” statistics is presented. The key role of the Statistical Head in the cooperation mechanism within the ELSS for the implementation and maintenance of high quality standards in the development, production and dissemination of statistics by ONAs is also described. Opportunities for better cooperation at national level as well as the further consolidation of citizens' confidence in the production processes of statistical products, are analyzed through the case study of the Ministry of Interior, which has recently established a relevant organizational structure for the Statistical Head.
Outi Ahti-Miettinen
Title: <<< Common Quality Reporting System for Official Statistics of Finland >>>
Common Quality Reporting System for Official Statistics of Finland
Outi Ahti-Miettinen and Kari Djerf, Statistics Finland
Statistics Finland, in cooperation with Finnish Customs and Natural Resources Institute Finland, designed and built a common quality reporting system for all organizations producing Official Statistics of Finland. Furthermore, the objective is to unify the structure and quality of the quality reports in all the official statistics of Finland. System was developed for collecting, storing and disseminating quality reporting using Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS) v 2.0 endorsed by the ESSC in November 2015. System was constructed using Service Oriented Architecture and all producers of official statistics will be invited to use the system through internet interface.
We will present main contents and general technical solutions of the new quality reporting system as well as its properties and links to general dissemination portal.

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