Session 1

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Title of session: Quality management and model implementation I

Chair: Mária Dologová

Room: S2 Wawel

Time: 11:30 - 13:00

Date: 27 June

Session 1 - papers & presentations


Presenting AuthorAbstract
Fahir Kanlic
Title: <<< Quality management system in the Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina – implementation of CAF model, experiences and future challenges >>>
Quality plays crucial role for production of official statistics by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs). Statistically speaking, production of high-quality data requires, in the first stage, use of systematic approach in setting up proper quality management system in NSIs. Modernisation of the processes, technologies and complexity of society are the major challenges for NSIs, in general, especially for NSIs of developing countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). Based on adopted Strategy for Development of Statistics in BiH 2020, as first step in the systematic approach to quality management, Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHAS) implemented Common Assessment Framework (CAF) model of excellence in 2016 as a tool for Total Quality Management (TQM). The aim of this paper is to present experiences in CAF implementation in BHAS, key activities defined, their implementation as well as effects of CAF implementation in BHAS on statistical system in BiH. This paper will also be focused on impact of CAF findings in implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice (EU CoP) and other tools (user satisfaction surveys, staff satisfaction surveys, etc.) for quality management system in BHAS. As conclusion, the challenges and perspectives for future work on quality improvement in BHAS and entity statistical institutions, as parts of statistical system in BiH, will be presented.
Douwe Kuurstra
Title: <<< Almost there! >>>
In 2017 we were certified for ISO 27001. In the first half of 2018 we will be privacy proof (in 2017 all statistical processes are already privacy proof). In the second half of 2018 we will be certified for ISO 9001. (I’m confident we will succeed.) In the paper I’ll will tell you more about the approach which made Statistics Netherlands succeed and the role the quality department played and did not play.
In 2015 Statistics Netherlands made a roadmap for external certification. ISO 27001, privacy-proof and ISO 9001 were the goals to be achieved in 2017 (ISO 27001) and 2018. The main reason for certification was an external proof to show our commitment with quality of process and product, privacy and security (ISO 27001). The European Statistical Governance Advisory Board emphasizes in their annual report of 2017: ‘Trust among users and the public in general is of the highest importance’. Statistics Netherlands fully agrees with this and also with the peers who concluded in 2015: Statistic Netherlands should … consider also, in the context of external communication, the adoption of recognized industry standard quality assurance/certification schemes. Trust in the way we work can be achieved when experts from outside the office and from outside the statistical system give the public and yourselves assurance. By the way, by certification for ISO 27001 and privacy we are also ready for the ESS IT Security framework and the General Data protection regulation.
Jolanta Minkevica
Title: <<< On the Way to Integrated Quality and Risk Management in a Statistical Office >>>
Quality plays a crucial role in the European Statistical System's modernisation strategy “ESS Vision 2020”. Quality is a broad concept and covers all activities, as well as the overall functioning of a statistical authority. A Quality management system (QMS) integrates the various internal processes within the organisation and intends to provide a process approach for project execution. A process-based QMS enables the organisation to identify, measure, control and improve the various core business processes that will ultimately lead to improved business performance. As the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) describes and defines the set of business processes needed to produce official statistics, it is logical that the QMS of a statistical organisation follows the GSBPM. At the same time, an organisation needs to make sure that it manages risks so that threats are minimised, and potential is maximised. The Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (CSB) has developed a GSBPM-based QMS, which is aligned with the organisation's purpose and strategic direction and complies with the standard “Quality management systems – Requirements (ISO 9001:2015)” of the International Organization for Standardization. The QMS also serves as a knowledge base. Statistical production processes are standardised throughout the organisation and are also mapped. Risk management is an integral part of the QMS. The presentation will give insight into the way quality and risk management approaches have been integrated within the statistical institution.
Maria João Zilhão
Title: <<< Statistical Process description using GSBPM as a reference – Challenges in a process changing environment >>>
Statistics Portugal (SP) has a long tradition of statistical process description, starting with a generic model in 1997. Several editions were revised since then and the latest one was recently updated using the last edition of the Generic Statistics Business Process Model (GSBPM V.5) as a reference. Decisions had to be made to have a handbook in a generic format for all staff in statistical production environment, as well as an adaptation between the GSBPM model and all horizontal processes and internal standards in use by SP. The paper will describe I) the new version of the Statistical Process Procedures Handbook model produced by SP, II) its challenges (strong and weak points) in conception while adapting the GSBPM with SP reality of statistical process implementation and III) the subsequent levels of process description added to GSBPM (namely, geospatial statistical dimension), and much aligned with ISO 9001 Norms with respect to documented procedures.
Petra Blažič
Title: <<< Documentation System STATDOK – a cornerstone for efficient management of statistical surveys >>>
Systematic and exhaustive documentation of the statistical surveys is one of the challenges that national statistical offices have been facing in the recent years. The widely accepted Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) provides a very useful tool to accomplish this task in a standardized manner. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia accepted the adjusted GSBPM model as the general process model in 2012, which was updated in 2017. On the basis of this model, detailed quality guidelines for proper implementation of each of the phases were prepared. This was the basis for preparing the standardized framework of the internal Documentation System of Statistical Surveys, named STATDOK. It is a response to the needs that arise from the desire for more effective management, transparency of the statistical survey implementation, comparison of surveys and the needs of employees for continuous learning. The paper describes the conceptual framework of the internal Documentation System of Statistical Surveys - STATDOK, implementation of the system and its functionalities. It also presents how the Documentation System will be upgraded in the future.

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