Conference fees – information

May 8, 2018 News

by Ryszard Gawlik

Dear Participants of the Q2018 Conference,
Please note that all payments should be made within 7 days of registration. If you have already registered and want to be sure of participating in the Q2018 Conference, please make a payment no later than May 14, 2018.

To avoid any problems with payments please use the following bank transfer details:
Urząd Statystyczny w Krakowie    
ul. Kazimierza Wyki 3, 31-223 Kraków    
Narodowy Bank Polski Oddział Okręgowy w Krakowie    
ul. Basztowa 20, 30-960 Kraków    
Bank account number: PL 96 1010 1270 0033 0413 9120 0000    
Payment title: Q2018  + Your registration ID 

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